Articles and press to get your yoga juices flowing.

Category: Wellness

fireworks new year

How to Turn Your New Year Intention into Your Reality | Adventure Yogi

New Year intentions can be a truly defining moment for the journey of our year to come.     Over New Year, take time to...
lonely christmas care yoga

How to Survive Christmas – Self Care Tips from Us | Adventure Yogi

Christmas. Some of us love it and some of us can not wait for the whole event to end. It can be magical, wonderful and...
sunset meditation yoga

Three Simple Breathing Techniques for Everyday Life | Adventure Yogi

Do we undervalue the power of the breath?   LIFE! WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT IT IS! Sometimes though it can be tough and leave us...
squat legs up the wall yin yoga pose ease back pain

11 Yin Yoga poses to Ease Back Pain | Adventure Yogi

Yin yoga is a wonderful practice for releasing deep held tension in the body and mind, which is why yin yoga helps ease back pain...
cow yoga pose

Yin Yoga for Burnout – Relax and Heal with AdventureYogi | Adventure Yogi

Yin Yoga for Burnout   With the ever-increasing external stimuli from the busy-ness of life and distracting mobile phones it’s no wonder that many people...
Vishuddha Chakra yoga

Meditation and Mindfulness – What’s the difference? | Adventure Yogi

 You only need to have a quick scroll through Instagram to know that all things ‘wellness’ are everywhere these days. No longer the preserve of...

Embracing Nature – Ways Benefit from the Great Outdoors | Adventure Yogi

Being in nature makes us happier and healthier. Fact.   Scientific studies prove that finding yourself a green space and reconnecting with the natural world...
retreat spa difference

Self Care Tips by Adventure Yogi – For You to Use at Home | Adventure Yogi

Self care has been the new buzz phrase. But what does it actually look like? Eating well, being active, connecting with nature, meditation, regularly unplugging...
sri lanka yoga holiday yoga nidra

That Retreat Feeling – How to hold onto the magic | Adventure Yogi

 That Retreat Feeling So, you’re back home after a yoga retreat. Amazingly, you’ve had a week of blissful surroundings, daily yoga and meditation, plentiful massages...
Brahmacharya yoga couple wildlife adventure

Zero Waste 7 Top Tips for Daily Life | Adventure Yogi

  With the growth of the wellness industry, people are becoming more health-conscious and aware of what they put into their bodies. It seems, there...