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How to Turn Your New Year Intention into Your Reality | Adventure Yogi

New Year intentions can be a truly defining moment for the journey of our year to come.


  Over New Year, take time to reflect on the challenges you have faced and the wonderful things you are grateful for.  Often there are lessons that have been learnt along the journey of the year that have shaped views of how you want next to be.  It’s a great to time to set intentions for new year but an even better time to start turning them into realities!

An intention very simply put is an aim that guides actions. A hope that guides progress. A thought to catalyse change. WE LOVE setting an intention for new year but often it gets lost along the twists and turns of  life. Perhaps what we need to be thinking about is not the hope or aim but the actions that we need to take to bring that hope or aim into reality.


Set Your Intention

Start by taking time to sit and reflect and set your intention for the year. Give our Intention Setting Workshop a try!

So, now you have your intention for the year it is time to think of ways to make sure that it doesn’t get lost as you get on with living!



To Start – What Does Your Intention Look Like in Action – Visualise

Lets say your intention for new year is to create more moments of joy in your year. Take a bit of time to visualise what that looks like. What do you do to bring that thought of joy to life? You may find that doing this brings up new things and feelings that you perhaps don’t expect.  A good thing to do is to write it down so that you can see it laid out as a more real and tangible thing than just your thoughts.



Keep it visible

Post it notes on your fridge, create a beautiful picture with in to hang on your wall, a note on your bedroom mirror. Anything that means that in your day to day it catches your eye. You may not even consciously notice it every day but chances are you will when you need it.

Use Your Diary

Whether your diary is digital or paper format a great way to keep in touch with your intention is leaving messages! Almost think of them as little love notes that you can stumble across every few weeks! It could be as simple as writing your intention on the top of each week or the start of each month. You may even wish to go back to your visualisations and schedule your actions into your diary! Lets go to the idea of your intention being to create more moments of joy and what brings you joy is your weekly yin yoga class!? Schedule it into your diary and make it important. If time in nature makes you happy then schedule it into your diary. Schedule something that brings you back to your intention at least once a month and before you know it you will be living it!


Share Your Vision

One of the most powerful things we can do is share. When we vocalise and share thoughts with someone we suddenly have someone that can hold us accountable and help on the journey. Saying something out loud has an amazing way of validating it and making it feel more real. Don’t be afraid to ask for support, need a friend by your side or friendly nudge in the right direction.



More than anything else, enjoy the year! There will be days it is tough and days filled with ecstatic joy and love. Dull days and adventure filled weeks. Take the rough with the smooth and enjoy the ride! This is your year to put your hopes and dreams into actions to make it the best year yet!



Looking for something wonderful to look forward to in the New Year? Why not join us on one of our many yoga adventures!