Articles and press to get your yoga juices flowing.

Category: Wellness

people walking through forests in nature

Lockdown Fatigue – Tips on Making it Through | Adventure Yogi

Lockdown Fatigue. Turns out, it is a real thing and this time around a lot of us are feeling it. Big time.   So, what...
green tea wellness detox

Rituals to Create the Perfect Morning | Adventure Yogi

Rituals. Just the word evokes a feeling of source and purpose.     Although we traditionally associate rituals with religious ceremony it can very be...
women doing yoga pose on madeira hike

International Yoga Day – Supporting Proyecto Pajaro | Adventure Yogi

This International Yoga Day we want to do something that gives back and supports our worldwide community.  Earlier this year, our yoga teacher Amy Williams...
summer solstice yoga

The Summer Solstice – 5 Ways to Celebrate | Adventure Yogi

The Summer Solstice is a time for celebration! Historically, the summer solstice has had a firm place amongst most cultures and religions. A time to...
people doing outdoor yoga class in a garden

3 Yoga Postures To Help Ease Anxiety | Adventure Yogi

With everything going on in the world, it is no surprise that anxiety levels are higher than normal. Even people who have never experienced it...
sacred temple

Podcasts to Parties – 5 Ways to be Online Positively | Adventure Yogi

We are online more than ever. Not only does it entertain us but also inform, educate and connect us! Suddenly, we can learn from people...
yoga meditation at home

Create Your Perfect at Home Yoga Space | Adventure Yogi

Your yoga studio right now is a little closer to home than normal. In fact, it is home! Suddenly our homes have become where we...
legs up the wall yin yoga pose ease back pain

9 Ways to Practice Self Care During Lockdown | Adventure Yogi

As we are sure you are very aware, things are little bit crazy in the world right now. Like, real crazy and scary.  We are...
legs up the wall yin yoga pose ease back pain

Legs Up the Wall – The Magical Asana | Adventure Yogi

Legs up the wall is the asana that just keeps on giving! Its powers are almost magical with its positive effects on both body and...
sri lanka yoga holiday yoga nidra

5 Reasons Adventure Yogi Loves Yoga Nidra | Adventure Yogi

Yoga Nidra is magical and at Adventure Yogi, we love it. The meditation of ‘yogic sleep’ doesn’t just have its roots in holistic wellbeing but...