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Chai and Chat With Ayurvedic Specialist Jojo Webber | Adventure Yogi

We Posed some Questions to our Ayurvedic Specialist Jojo…


Hi Jojo! How long have you been working with AdventureYogi?

Since it was born! I helped set up Adventure Yogi with Claire and Michelle. After two wonderful yoga holidays in the Alps (SnowYogi 2007!) and Sardinia (WaterYogi 2007!) I decided to focus on my business, Ayurvedic Yogi but I think of the two companies as close sisters still. I’ve since had two children but now they are a little more independent am really enjoying teaching on these yoga weekend retreats near to our new home in Somerset.

What do you think of AdventureYogi yoga retreats and holidays?

I love the concept of ‘active relaxation’. About 5 or so years ago the yoga retreats on offer were largely just yoga- and sometimes the food or venues were not that ‘yogic’. Having been on yoga retreats for 15 years and had a range of experiences, it is lovely to find an organisation that knows what they are doing in looking at all the details. That means from the venue, to the food, to getting the right balance of planned activities to free time! And of course, combining yoga with other sports and activities is brilliant for using the body and mind in different ways, and bringing along friends and partners who otherwise might not be keen on a yoga holiday!


What is your favourite retreat?

The 2 or 3-night breaks in beautiful Somerset- the Wellbeing Yogi yoga weekends – which are perfect for a quick top up of ‘prana’, away from our busy lives. It is amazing how quickly connections are made in the group, and people start to deeply relax despite it being only a weekend.

What is your current yoga background?

I have been practicing yoga since a university student where it definitely kept me sane in the face of intense pressure. I started teaching 9 years ago and became an Ayurvedic practitioner 4 years ago. Marrying the two sister sciences has been an ongoing exploration for me. Ayurveda is really catching up with Yoga’s popularity which is great, as the two work beautifully together in helping us feel balanced, fulfilled, nd that we are on the right path in life.

Who do you teach?

I teach clients one to one as part of my Ayurveda clinic- I always include some yoga postures and pranayama in each clients’ prescription. Over the past decade, I have taught many different audiences. Corporates, drug rehab centers, festivals, yoga holidays, schools, and in my living room! I ran a ‘Yoga Supper Club’ for several years when I lived in Bristol. I have also really enjoyed the training and teaching pregnancy yoga, whilst pregnant myself. This process nourished me throughout both of my pregnancies and afterward.

What other interests do you have?

Currently, we’re renovating a 17th Century house in Somerset. Busy reading up on how to look after chickens, goats, and bees. And then there is a third of an acre to grow on – a walnut and mulberry tree have just been planted. I also love any crafting and have just discovered the joys of needle felting.

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