Rise and shine! It is the start of a new day and very excitingly, your at-home yoga retreat!
Here’s how we shall begin…
Kick start your body and rehydrate from your night’s sleep.
In your favourite mug place a big slice of lemon and a small, slightly bashed, chunk of ginger. Pour over boiling water and leave to brew for a few minutes before enjoying. We recommend making a big teapot or saucepan full that you can keep coming back to through the day.
Give yourself as long as you need to sit and enjoy your morning drink. Try not to be tempted to look at your social media or emails, give yourself this morning to really tune into you!
Soon, its time for yoga so get yourself ready to turn up on your mat. A shower, perhaps a banana to fuel your practice and getting together any props you wish to have or music you would like to play.
Don’t forget to tune into our Spotify for our recommended soundtrack to your day!