Autumn Equinox – A Ritual for Autumn | Adventure Yogi Autumn Equinox – A Ritual for Autumn | Adventure Yogi

Autumn Equinox – A Ritual for Autumn | Adventure Yogi

Celebrate the Balance of the Seasons this Autumn Equinox


Saturday September 23rd is the Autumn Equinox, the time when summer transits into the next season and we have an equal balance of light and dark. Autumn, similar to the energy of Spring, has a feeling of change, of something new, reminiscent of that back to school feeling from childhood.

As the Autumn Equinox approaches, the quiet drawing within the time of Winter this is the season to prepare, to plant seeds that can grow roots and mature in readiness for the next burst of new energy in Springtime. It’s a time for acknowledging all that has happened so far this year and be thankful.

In a woman’s cycle just before her period starts this is also known as the time of Autumn. It’s a time when we feel our most real, there’s an earthy feel, we speak our truth the most, we won’t tolerate things that we might have let slide before, and our hunger is more (getting us ready for our hibernation of Winter/the bleed). Embrace this, it’s known as the “Wild Woman” time!

The Autumn Equinox is an opportunity to acknowledge and welcome in the new season, to embrace it. We are part of nature and as the seasons change so do we.

Here are a few ideas for ritual at Autumn Equinox:

1) To start your Autumn Equinox ritual, light a candle to acknowledge the light within the dark.

2) Next take some time to write down all you are grateful for so far this year. Acknowledge the blessings and the lessons you have learnt. Acknowledge yourself. Louise Meditation equinox

3) Then, take a look at where your life might be out of balance at this Autumn Equinox. A few suggested to consider; Are you mainly doing things that fill you up energetically or drain you? Is life full of variety or has it got dull? Is there too much change and some routine would help to calm things down? Are you feeling connected to others, isolated or in need of some alone time? Do you receive equally as much as you give?

4) Ask, how are your goals going that you set for this year? Are any changes needed this Autumn Equinox? Any new to ones add? Is there anything you haven’t started yet?

5) From this questioning on 3 pieces of paper write down

a) What you are letting go of?

b) Your intention moving forward.

c) Your gratitude list.

Finally, burn them on the candle. Visualise being able to send it to the light and let Grace bless you. Fully, trust all will come when the time is right for you.

One important thing to consider when setting goals/intentions around Autumn Equinox is our need for rest over the Winter period. Now it the time for creativity, for new ideas and to start to plant some seeds but remember to allow your self to slow down over Winter, factor this in so come to Springtime you will be full of energy to power ahead.

To join us for the Autumn Equinox and immerse yourself in this energy of renewal, we will be in Bali and Sardinia. Our wonderful yoga teachers will guide you through these calming rituals to help you embrace this new season!




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