Strawberry Moon Strawberry Moon

Your Guide To A Supermoon Ritual | Adventure Yogi

Your Guide to Supermoons


2023 will see an abundance of supermoons and we are getting prepared for the first of the year, the Buck Moon on July 3rd!

A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, known as perigee. It appears slightly larger and brighter than a typical full moon. However, scientists have yet to agree on exactly how to officially classify the phenomenon! As always, the lunar events have an element of mysticism.



The Buck Supermoon

The will be a powerful time for spiritual awakening and insight. The Buck Moon energy is super powerful as it takes place in Capricorn and will bring forth energies to help you gain insight into your true purpose and learn to better understand our emotions, beliefs, and thoughts. The energy of Capricorn is hardworking, determined and abundance focused so if you have dreams that require some chasing – this is the time to do so!

We will be harnessing this energy from Greece and spending the evening under the Buck Supermoon, releasing old negative energy and embracing new, exciting change and adventures! You can join us for a Supermoon filled yoga adventure in Corfu from July 1st – 8th.

The Sturgeon Supermoon

The Sturgeon Supermoon will take place on August 1st in the house of Aquarius, and is called so because of the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain as they were readily caught during this part of summer. As with all Supermoons, the energy of the Full Moon is intensified and the sturgeon supermoon will be no different. Aquarius energy is artistic, creative and confident so if you are feeling the urge to start or reignite a creative passion – get to it!

Join us in Madeira from July 30th – August 6th and feast your eyes on this Supermoon while laying back in the Portuguese heat! Our wonderful yoga teachers always prepare something special for the Supermoon so you can leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!


Super Blue Moon

Don’t get too excited, the Super Blue Moon isn’t blue unfortunately. The Super Blue Moon is typically a term used to describe any full moon which is the second to fall within a single month. This year it will take place on August 31st, just 3o days after the Sturgeon Supermoon. If you are someone who’s energy is affected by the Full Moon, expect some intense energy in August with these 2 Supermoons. This heightened energy can leave people feeling overwhelmed and experiencing heightened emotions – this will be a time to really hone in on some self-care rituals. A full moon bath, releasing rituals to shake off unwanted negative energy and feelings, spend plenty of time outdoors in that sunny August weather and take care of your mind, body and soul!

We’re extra excited for this Supermoon as we are spending it in Santorini and the Peak District. The perfect opportunity to spend time in nature whether you are hiking in the mountains of the Peak District or swimming under the moonlight in Santorini, there isn’t a better way to spend the Full Moon.


The Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon will happen on Friday September 29th, the 10th full moon of 2023 and the 4th and final Supermoon and it will take place in Aries. The name is inspired by nature and agriculture, right in time for the harvesting season and the Fall Equinox, on September 23rd. The spiritual powers of the Harvest Moon cannot be overestimated, as the seasons are changing from Summer to Autumn, this is a time of great change and moments for new opportunities. Harness the confident, passionate and fiery Aries energy around this time and take hold of new prospects that are sure to present themselves!

If you need a place to harness these incredible spiritual powers we are heading to Bali, Montenegro and the Peak District for the Harvest Supermoon.

Strawberry Full Moon


Powerful Supermoon Rituals

Time to Check In

A Supermoon is the perfect time to sit down and take stock of the previous months. Of course most importantly, and where you are now. We often use these moments of reflection to focus on gratitude but with a supermoon, let’s dive a little deeper!!

  • What lessons have I learnt this year so far?
  • How have I connected to my inner wisdom?
  • What moments have filled me with joy?

You may wish to do this by writing in a journal or even spoken out loud! At first, it may feel a little strange. However, once you get going it feels amazing and you find all sorts of truths, feelings and memories come flooding back in!


Time to Move Forwards

Once you have taken some time to reflect on what has been, it’s time to look towards the future! Again, you may wish to do this in a journal or spoken aloud. We like to use the lessons of our time of reflection to do this as a way of connecting to that inner wisdom and knowledge of the season. Most importantly, this energy of a supermoon is all about reaping the rewards of your labours! Whether that be through a great work-life balance or just having fun!

  • How can I use the lessons of the past positively in my future?
  • What wisdom do I need to tap into to progress?
  • What magic do I have to look forward to in the remaining months of the year?

Now that you have taken some time, take yourself outside and enjoy watching the supermoon rise! As it does, imagine the wisdom and knowledge of your experiences are the driving force lifting it from the horizon and high into the nights’ sky.


What Crystals are Best for using during a Supermoon?

For a Full Moon, surround your soul in Tourmaline. Pink Tourmaline brings out the lighter side of your personality, stimulating summer love and exciting expeditions.

Another great option is the mighty Moonstone! This is the number one moon crystal. It is the staple crystal for all your lunar practices. Moonstone aligns strongest with the Full Moon. Its bright and luminous qualities show you the way ahead. Moonstone holds the power of a million moons and delivers it to the palm of your hands.

To use them in your rituals, keep them in the palm of your hands or close to your heart as you connect to your time of reflection. Of course, the vibrant energy of the full moon is also the best time to give your crystals a recharge and cleanse. So, don’t forget to leave them out during the night.




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