Harness the Power of the New Moon: A Manifesting Ritual Guide | Adventure Yogi

Harness the Power of the New Moon: A Manifesting Ritual Guide


The New Moon, a time of fresh beginnings and untapped potential, presents a unique opportunity to set intentions and manifest your deepest desires. At Adventure Yogi, we believe in the transformative power of the New Moon, and we invite you to join us in harnessing this energy through a guided New Moon manifesting ritual. Are you ready to manifest your dreams with us? Explore our upcoming retreats and align them with the New Moons in 2023 and 2024. Click here to view our yearly calendar and plan your transformative journey.



Step-by-step New Moon Manifesting Ritual Guide

1. Set the intention

Before diving into the ritual, take a moment to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life. Grab your journal or a piece of paper and write down your intention or get creative and make a vision board. Use specific, positive language, focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want. We will be in Cornwall and the Peak District for the New Beaver Moon on November 13th 2023, ready to harness the New Moon energy and set intentions for the rest of 2023 and beyond!


2. Create a sacred space

Choose a serene and undisturbed space for your ritual. Light candles, burn incense, play soft music, or arrange crystals to create a sacred ambiance.


3. Meditate and Centre Yourself

Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Close your eyes and visualize your intentions coming to life. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your desires. See yourself living your ideal life, radiating happiness, health, and fulfilment.


4. Write down your intentions

Take your journal or paper and write down your intentions in the present tense. Be specific and use positive language. For example, instead of saying “I want a new job,” write “I am thriving in my dream job, surrounded by positive energy and harmonious colleagues.”


5. Release Your Intentions To The Universe

As you write down your intentions, take some time to release any negative energy or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Fully let go and release your intentions to the Universe.


6. Charge Your Intentions

Hold your paper or journal in your hands and visualize your intentions coming to life. Say a prayer or affirmation, expressing gratitude to the universe for supporting you in manifesting your desires.


7. Take Inspired Action

After your ritual, take inspired action toward your intentions. This can be as simple as creating a plan or taking a small step toward your goal. Trust that the universe will guide you, but remember, it’s up to you to take action and make it happen.

Manifest Your Dreams

Performing a New Moon manifesting ritual is a powerful way to set intentions and manifest your desires. By aligning your energy with the moon’s, you tap into the universal power of manifestation and breathe life into your dreams. Check out our Full Moon Releasing Ritual here!


Explore Our 2023/2024 Retreat Calendar 

Explore all of our upcoming UK retreats and Abroad Yoga holidays and join us on a journey of manifestation and step into a future filled with abundance and fulfilment.