online yoga studio

Please make sure that you read this section as these are the terms and conditions and health and safety that you agree to when you book.

Online Yoga Studio and One-to-One Yoga Classes:

Cancellation policy – There are no refunds for individual classes. You will receive a full refund for cancellations up to 24 hours before a one-to-ones. No refunds for cancellations after 24 hours before the one-to-one starts.

Zoom –

  • We are not responsible for your zoom set up at home.
  • You agree to keep your zoom screen switched on at all times throughout the class

Health Questionnaire and Health –

It is essential the yoga teacher knows of any health issues or injury of the participant. Please fill in the required field prior to booking the class and if there is anything else the yoga teacher needs to know prior to the class email [email protected].

You understand that you are participating in all online yoga classes at your own risk and at the approval of a qualified health professional. You have disclosed all details regarding your medical history relevant to the class and understand that any loss, damage, injury or another mishap will not be the responsibility of the teacher or AdventureYogi Ltd. You understand that any of the above information changes it is your responsibility to inform the teacher.


You should always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health professional before starting or changing any exercise program. This is particularly important if you are overweight, pregnant, nursing, regularly taking medications, or have a pre-existing medical condition.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Site. The Content on this Site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The material on this site may not be suited to your health or fitness level. If you have any concerns about any exercises identified on this Site or in any of the Material provided, do not do them and refrain until you have cleared it with your physician. Stop exercising and consult your physician if you feel faint or dizzy or if you experience any discomfort. You are responsible for exercising within your limits and seeking attention and advice as appropriate.

By using the Website, you agree that you understand that physical exercise involves strenuous physical movement and that such activity carries the risk of injury whether physical or mental. You further understand that it is your responsibility to judge your physical and mental capabilities for such activities.

AdventureYogi Online Yoga Studio recommends that you should always select the appropriate level of classes for your level of fitness, as well as for any mental or physical conditions and/or limitations you have, such as any underlying medical condition.

You further understand that physical adjustments or the use of equipment might be suggested, and therefore it is your sole responsibility to determine if any such suggested adjustment or equipment is appropriate for your level of ability and physical and mental condition.

Please make sure you exercise in a large well-lit area that is free from obstacles and that you wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t inhibit movement. AdventureYogi Online Yoga Studio is not responsible for any injuries you may experience as a result of your use of this Site and the Material contained hereon. By remaining on this Site and/or accessing and / or using any Material, you are accepting that you have read, understood and agreed to follow these basic instructions.

***Privacy Policy***
Please note medical history and registration forms from students are used for class planning and management. They are held for at least seven years for insurance purposes. Any information collected is kept completely confidential and will not be shared with third parties. Please contact [email protected] with any queries about data or if you would like to be fully removed from our database.

Please contact us on [email protected] about any queries related to any of the above.