Happiness Questions to Lift Your Mood | Adventure Yogi Happiness Questions to Lift Your Mood | Adventure Yogi

Happiness Questions to Lift Your Mood | Adventure Yogi

From negativity to positivity! Try asking yourself these questions and see if you can lift your mood and boost daily happiness! 


What if, you could think your way to daily happiness? Imagine, your thought processes like a series of questions and answers. To start, your mind asks a question and then your brain goes off to find the answer! Sadly, on a down day, you might be asking yourself questions like:


“Why does this always happen to me?”

“When am I ever going to find a relationship?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Will this ever end?”



Unfortunately, the problem with asking negative questions is that we are likely to find a negative answer!  You can, however, change how you feel by changing the questions you ask yourself. Try it, for the next 3 weeks (it takes 21 days to create a new habit) ask yourself these happiness questions and see how you feel:




What am I grateful for today?

How can I make a difference?

What is it like to be me when I am not trying to improve myself?


Create Daily Happiness by Being You!

Notice, the last question is encouraging you to just be yourself! Drop all those pressures and just be you! Honestly, one thing I have learned over my journey of personal development is that I am happier and more relaxed when I am just being me. The moment I try to put on an act or be something I am not I start to tense up, feel afraid, and lose my energy. Truly, we are all beautifully unique and are here for our own purpose when we are trying to be something we are not we are taking our shine away. Create happiness by just embracing being you! 


Join us on retreats created to bring joy and happiness into your life! From fun adventures, a sense of community and journaling activities like this one, we have so much in store for you to experience!


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