We all know how hard it is to commit to a regular meditation practice in these busy lives that everyone has nowadays, but, with a little support, it is possible to find that time and, in turn, actually start to feel the benefits of the practice. Even if it’s just a little bit of peace and quiet for those 10 – 20 minutes each day, that is enough to bring peace and calm into your day to day being. We want to support you on this journey by offering you this FREE meditation course so that you can connect with your inner peace, that is in there somewhere.
Starting on Tuesday 21st January – 28th January, we will be releasing a new meditation video each day at 3 am GMT, so that you will have all day to fit it into your busy schedule. Over the course of the 7 days, the Facebook group is there for you to chat with each other, ask questions and share your experiences, a supportive community for you to tap into!
On the 8th day, Tuesday 28th January, there is a bonus meditation in the form of a Facebook Live Yoga Nidra for you to celebrate your meditation journey with for some deep rest and relaxation.
Check out our intro video below with one of your yoga teachers for the challenge Amy Williams, and sign up for our FREE meditation challenge below!
Sign up today and we will send you your invite to join the private Facebook group so you can start to meet your fellow meditators, share introductions, stories and be a part of this incredible community! We are looking forward to sharing these 7 days with you!
So, what are you waiting for!